Call me Poupee - Rumbamaniac (demo).mp3
Call Me Poupee are a Montreal-based three piece (they've just added a drummer), comprised of former members of Secrétaires Volantes and The Slips.
Minimalist, garage-y synth rumba, as if Alan Vega's solo albums had been worthwhile listening, and. Tambourine-shaking, yéyé electro: the logical follower to the short-lived shaffel releases of earlier this year? This is a demo, looking forward to a February release for their full-length, produced by, and this is a little left-field, DJ Ram, AKA Ramachandra Borcar.
SLUM-watchers and keeners on the Montreal electro scene's leading lights (Dandi Wind, Duchess Says, Echo Kitty et al.) would do well to keep their eye on Call Me Poupee in the next 6 months, as the seemingly untappable well keeps churning out that next-level shit, especially from the Franco side of this city...
Wednesday, November 30
Longueuil, QC @ Collège Édouard-Montpetit

Moustached bandit and bonsoundee Pierre Gourde just sent an e-mail announcing the upcoming lo-fi electro-punx invasion, as French trio Les Prototypes (a Channels 3+4 sibling band?)and cross the Atlantic for a couple of quick dates in la belle province, including a December 1st live-set on CISM (89.3 on yr FM dial, 5 pm), promoting their new album Mutants Médiatiques...
December 3rd, at Zoobizarre (6388 St. Hubert)
$6 avec DJ Cherry Cola
There are a couple of items on the social calender tonight - Resfest kicks off with a little talk and cocktail thing with visual Sven Gali Michel Gondry, down at Ex-Centris (y'know, in the LSL, for all of you Mile-Enders), followed by some short films and opening night party with Scott C on the decks (huzzah!)... As well, somebody, and maybe it'll be me, should go check out a new night in the Parc La Fontaine region, as Popscene gets off to a start - 951 Rachel E. (Is that the old Mhotel?)... As usual, Sons of Warsaw are up at Zoobizarre after the bands (Dirty Tricks tonight?), with special fucking guest, Suhrid, NYC's finest MBA student! I dunno, I've been holed up, bleeding from my eyes and reading and sleeping for too much lately, and the cold snap always introduces some sort of nasty stupidity in my veins, so I assume I'll be running between all 3 of these nights...
Mr. Watts, any news on the new Popscene?
I didn't end up going there, my roommate seemed to think it was pretty sweet, however. He's Chilean, plays soccer with Tiga, for whatever that's worth...
My girlfriend has the copyright on 'LSL', Jay. You owe her some royalties.
If I had google-ad sense on, maybe I could pay out some royalties...
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